Sandra Menges, Tobias Menges, Yassir Eric
Yassir Eric

(Dr. theol., Protestant University Wuppertal, M.A. Ev. Theologie, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, M.A. Missiology, Columbia International University) He is a theologian, missiologist, an outstanding expert on Islam and migration issues as well as Middle East topics. Since 2013 he has been directing the European Institute for Migration, Integration and Islamic Issues (EIMI) at AWM Korntal and is a faculty member of the European School of Culture and Theology in Korntal. For several years he served as pastor of migrant churches as well as lecturer and counselor. He is a sought-after speaker in Germany, Europe and the Middle East.
Sandra Menges, Tobias Menges, Yassir Eric
Friedmann Eißler, Yassir Eric
Friedmann Eißler, Yassir Eric